Downloads for Engine Expo 2018

* Note: a very small number of speakers wished to retain copyright on their presentations, and thus their paper does not appear here.

Day 1 - Morning Session

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Non-contact thickness measurement of functional coatings on engine components

Nils Reinke
CEO, Winterthur Instruments AG

Ultra-low NOx combustion in Z-engine

Timo Janhunen
Managing Director, Aumet Oy

Insulation systems for engines, turbochargers and exhaust systems

Werner Arnold
Managing Director, Eugen Arnold GmbH

Metal injection moulding components for high-performance engines

Johannes Maurath
Research And Development Engineer, OBE Ohnmacht & Baumgärtner GmbH & Co KG

An efficient way to develop relations in a complex automotive industry

Jean-Philippe Termoz
President, Nincar

Note: You will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to open the conference downloads on your PC or Mac.
